My family has been in real estate development and ownership for more than 70 years, and, as the CEO of our management company, I have the privilege of interacting with hundreds of businesses and organizations each day as tenants, suppliers and partners for the work we do.  I am also an active investor and participant in multiple companies in the software and technology business, and have had the honor of serving as a political appointee and staff member for Democratic politicians at the local, State and Federal levels during the course of my career.  Many of the stories that I bring to this discussion will come from the businesses and people with whom I interact.  My economic interests influence my opinions and the companies I choose to include, and my political views will be in evidence as I suggest changes in fiscal and monetary policy to support entrepreneurship and reduce income inequality.  I will try to be explicit in these articles about what I reasonably believe to be economic fact, the nature of my relationship to the businesses I use as reference points, and the data sources that help guide the assumptions behind my reasoning.